During the spring semester of my freshman year at Penn I got bored. I spent my time smoking cigarettes or pot on a ledge outside my room. I made a documentary on the squirrels that lived in the Quad's Nipple.

Things were that bad.

I needed to do something life affirming. I decided to make an online quiz.

The thing is, my quiz became popular. Amazingly, horrifyingly popular. So popular that you've probably taken it. That "Which Ivy League University Is Right For You?" quiz ... I wrote it.

I have made many mistakes in my life. I am a smoker. When I was four, I held a pillow over my newborn sister's head. I have lied. In high school I used to drink vodka out of water bottles in the bathrooms because I thought it was cool, only sometimes instead of vodka we would just bring in mixes of any alcohol we could find in our parents' cupboards. And then go to English. Or History. Or Talmud.

So yes, I have regrets.

But the thing with my quiz is I both despise it and adore it. People send me messages about it. They are amazing. "No offense but you sound like you are really rich and rely on mommy and daddy's money...I mean that in a good way...? FOOCL ... Sorry," one taker wrote. "fuckkit luv that quiz but i'm no a harvard chick at heart shit smoke a lil ... right?" posted another.

My quiz is awful but it may be the closest to success that I'll ever get. I suck, but its gotten 453,756 hits.

On another note, Street has changed in awesome ways. Instead of Interview and Voice, we have High Brow and Low Brow: two humor pages where there was formerly one. Also, the TV section has been replaced with Ego. Ego is basically culture (both pop and otherwise) in review. It'll teach you how to be hip.

Because we know.

I binge and I purge. (Emotionally, that is.)

-Yona Silverman