It breaks my heart to have to say this, but Freddie Prinze Jr. turned 30 this month. That's right, kids, the guy whose boy-next-door charm made She's All That watchable has hit the big 3-0 ... and he's had one hell of a ride. Freddie is one of the lucky few who manage to finish his "things to accomplish before I turn 30" list: become America's sweetheart? Check. Marry Sarah Michelle Gellar? Check. Guest star in the 200th episode of Friends? Check. Become a has-been due to a series of no-one's-ever-heard-of-it movies and TV shows? Check.

And, Freddie, as you journey from the "hottest guys under 30" list to the "'hottest guys under 40" list (neither of which you have any chance of making), take pride in all the quality work you've been putting out lately. You know, that episode of Robot Chicken, the film Brooklyn Rules and, of course, your most recent project Delgo (Oscar, anyone?). And as you move towards middle age (Ferrari dealers, get ready), remember that you are (um, were) a star. Don't let anyone tell you you're washed up -- Hollywood, as an industry, is known for being forgiving, and ex-stars bounce back from slumps all the time. Honest.

Happy birthday.