1 oz vodka

1 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur

1 oz Bailey's Irish Cream

1 oz white crŠme de menthe

Admit it, the headline grabbed your attention. After all, who hasn't wandered by those cute little nine-year-olds in their prim hats and plaid skirts and considered, just for a moment, what it would be like to get a hold of a real Thin Mint. But while those Tagalongs and reduced fat Lemon Coolers certainly have their appeal, they won't get you hammered, and while the bartender might end up having a suspicious-looking rash, at least she's legal.

A straight-up Girl Scout Cookie (the drink, not the baked good) substitutes peppermint schnapps for the Bailey's to create a sweeter, more innocent taste. The Dirty Girl Scout, meanwhile, provides a way to fulfill your darker fantasies without going to jail. Taken shaken, mix the vodka, Kahlua and Bailey's in a shaker and pour the concoction over ice into a highball glass. If you can't find crŠme de menthe or don't know what it is, just use milk. Just remember that it goes in last, poured down the glass's center. It might look nasty, but it tastes great, and besides, it's a Dirty Girl Scout - what did you expect? Just don't ever forget: you're going straight to hell.