Battle 1:

Amy Gutmann vs. Judith Rodin

Ex-President Judith Rodin caused quite a stir this week when it was discovered that although she is no longer president, she still made more than Amy Gutmann last year, with a salary of over $1 million compared to Gutmann's meager 675 G's. A-Gut, stop frontin'. We know you got those ice cubes and ice creams up your sleeve and we're pretty sure you'll end up with a salary of $2.7 billion in the next fiscal year. Until then, J-Ro is still queen and A-Gut is her jester. All hail the victor, Judith Rodin.

Battle 2:

Oprah vs. The Weather

The weather has been cooking up trouble lately with its unpredictable highs and lows. But this week, it accomplished a feat that many have tried but few have managed: taking down the big "O." On a recent trip to her hometown of Kosciusko, Mississippi, Oprah collapsed of heat exhaustion. Although the weather did not take her money or kill her, Street congratulates the weather for its bold attempts to take the book club bitch down. Hey Oprah, read this! Congratulations, weather, you blew away the competition.

Battle 3:

The Fray vs. Weird Al Yankovic

What's the difference between rapping about being "White and Nerdy" and being white and nerdy? This week, Weird Al and the Fray try to answer that age-old question as they vie for the top of the charts. While the Fray are actually a real band, Weird Al captures the hearts of many by making fun of real bands. It's a close call, but at Street, we'll choose hilarious song parodies over wimpy love ballads any day. So, uh, Fray? Unfortunately, you may have to. eat it. Yank, welcome to paradise.