I know what you're thinking. Does Meryl Street really have the kind of tits I'd like to see drunkenly bouncing around behind lime green triangles of Nylon Lycra? Well, I'm here to tell you: yes, sweet Jesus, the answer to your query is yes.

The Real Cancun Dos: Meryl Gone Wild is the kind of movie - nay, the kind of film - that makes you want to write a thank-you note to Hollywood. It's the kind of film that makes you believe in unicorns and Santa Claus. It's the kind of film that makes you vomit all over yourself because mere mortals are incapable of processing sublimity.

For those of you who don't remember the first Real Cancun, it was the self-professed "real" story of "16 uninhibited party animals who put the 'can' in Cancun." Yet another classless effort from the producers of The Real World, it was the kind of movie that made you vomit all over yourself, and not in the good way (as previously described).

After firing the Real World clowns and hiring two-time Academy Award-winning, 13 time-nominated, hottie-with-a-body Meryl Street as his lead, the creator of Dos (Curb Your Enthusiasm's Larry David) had little more to do than sit back and watch the Meryl happen.

David saw the project as a chance to blend his love of Girls Gone Wild, his wife's admiration of Street, and Curb's improvisational style to create a work of art. As a result, Dos is slightly more highbrow than its predecessor, but still maintains unprecedented levels of energy and authenticity that are crucial to its success as a masterpiece for the masses.

Whether she's taking it off, licking it up, slamming it down, or (in a very poignant moment) putting it back on, Street's performance is flawless. Her gut-wrenching descent into 57 shots for her 57th birthday evokes a kind of sympathy that is only matched by the kind derived from her walk of shame back to the Radisson the next morning - strappy sandal missing, but dignity intact.

We can only pray that Sophie's next choice will be to sign on for Tres.