Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters is an adventure. Just like the late-night Cartoon Network show from which it's derived, this film relies on the key elements of a typical episode of the cartoon: lots of absurd moments and aimless yet humorous dialogue.

The main characters are a cast of animated fast food items, a New Jersey local with an odious disposition, a mad scientist who bullies his overworked underling and a floating slice of watermelon.

The movie frequently references misadventures from the television series, making it more or less a 90-minute episode; any viewer who is not an avid follower of ATHF may find the themes and jokes esoteric. For anyone who does follow the show, though, the film answers many questions that have long been asked, and it certainly delivers the same batch of insubstantial humor, always derived from outlandish activity and the quirky rapport among Shake, Meatwad, and Frylock.

ATHFCMFT succeeds in that, unlike a majority of the television episodes, it's plot-based - the gang is searching for their roots. Though this is less of a thematic spark for the lay-viewer, the bizarre characters and entertaining personalities will most certainly arouse the same disbelief and amused bewilderment that made the TV show popular. From the opening parody to the conclusion (yes, there is one), anyone with an open mind for the abnormal will find this film enjoyable. And for the Aqua Teen fan, the film is as satisfying as Saturday's 3:00 a.m. trip to McDonald's.