It's surprising that the action-packed police movie isn't parodied more often, because Hot Fuzz, the hilarious and slightly insane new film from the creators of Shaun of the Dead, makes it look so easy.

Fuzz is the story of freakishly exceptional cop Nick Angel (Simon Pegg). Nick is such an incredible police officer that his jealous peers in London send him to the small town of Sandford, where nothing exciting ever happens . or does it? After weeks of applying his London-bred crack-force police work to escaped swans and underage drinkers, a weird series of ridiculously gory murders sweeps Sandford - and Nick is determined to solve the case. The movie turns into a veritable bloodbath, using every police-movie trick in the book to infuse the action with more action, and, of course, the hilarity that comes when a movie is a perfect parody.

Fuzz lasts a little too long (there are only so many Supercop jokes a movie can make before it gets old), but generally the film is funny and true to its Naked Gun roots. Cops sail through the air firing two guns simultaneously, leap acrobatically over fences in chase scenes and chew on toothpicks while shooting up stores with machine guns. In other words, they wreak the kind of havoc that, as Nick says, is totally unrealistic because of the paperwork that would be involved afterwards. Not to worry though - after finishing their testosterone-induced heroic shooting spree, the cops of Sandford sit down to do some serious paperwork. Now that's hot.