Undergraduate Assembly chairman and College senior Jason Karsh loves Colorado, YouTube and *NSYNC. This Sphinx member lets us in on why those UA buses are so much fun and how John McCain made him lose his "lover."

Street: What exactly is your role as chairman of the UA?

JK: Essentially, I run a lot of meetings, sit on countless committees and represent undergraduates and UA projects to our administration as the "student voice."

Street: Please explain this whole YouTube thing you started.

JK: Well, I think I should start off by addressing what everyone's thinking right now - I didn't start YouTube. But I did think it could be a great way to get the UA's message out in a different medium that might be more entertaining and engaging.

Street: Have you ever taken the UA bus to the airport?

JK: Of course! It's so convenient and cheap! And we give out free alcohol! Just kidding. That would be irresponsible.

Street: As your Facebook status now tells us, you are currently mourning the death of your Crackberry. Is there a good story attached to that statement?

JK: I lost my BlackBerry at the John McCain event. It was like losing a trusted friend, adviser, confidante and lover - all rolled into one. I feel naked without it. And that can be really cold in Philly weather.

Street: What is the best part about being a senior?

JK: Besides getting into Mad 4?

Street: What is the most overrated thing about Penn? Underrated?

JK: Overrated: Living with the Senior Class President. Take that, Puneet. Underrated: Dating me.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn...

JK: Those who watch my YouTube videos and those who watch my YouTube videos high. Seriously though, don't do drugs.