Your Highness:

For that royal yearning in all of us, consider emulating Queen Elizabeth herself. First, a ghost-white complexion is a necessity. To get that pasty look, cover your face in baby powder. We're all still trying to figure out how to dye our hair red. Some women, we've heard, are trying urine. Let us know if you figure out a better method! Curls, too, are a plus. If you really, really crave that royal purple, invest in an elaborate headdress to cover your red tresses.

The Twiggy Look:

Hop on the mod bus and check out hip, new model Twiggy's look. It's sort of like Edie Sedgwick without all that blow! You too can look like the Twigster, if you don't mind investing in a few pairs of lashes and some new lipstick. Get some thick lashes, long lashes, angled lashes, whatever lashes and stick 'em on. Then grab your best eyeliner and throw it on real thick. Finally, pick up some white or silver lipstick and go wild.

Farrah Fawcett's Locks:

Do you wish a mysterious man would call you every morning and call you an angel? So do we! Consider it done. Grab some gel and hairspray and twist, turn and flutter your hair until it gets those Farrah waves. Also, think volume, volume, volume. It's all in the quantity here. Soon enough, Charlie will be ringing to say, "Good morning, angels." But, boyfriends, beware: Farrah's hubby Lee Majors told us once that he broke his nose when Farrah rolled over in her sleep and he got whacked by her ponytail. (Ponytails can break noses? Lee Majors, is your nose made out of Michael Jackson PuttyT?)

Cleopatra's Pyramids of Beauty:

Take a hint from Egyptian queen Cleopatra. The lady takes baths in milk and honey. Yum or yuck? The jury's out. After getting yourself out of this sticky situation (puns are chic, take note), apply some mad eyeliner, especially at the edges. Extend those lines. If you've got any tablet portraits in the near future, you'll look splendid.

And to the lads. shave that chest.

Actually, don't.