My good friend Joseph McCarthy was the greatest American ever to live. He fought to rid America of the godless Communists committed to the destruction of our way of life. While his original list of Communists helped so many Americans, there was one man he forgot to include -- George Clooney. I know for a fact that Mr. - or should I say Comrade - Clooney is a Communist spy out to subvert Hollywood.

To begin with, just look at the posters for Ocean's 11, 12 and 13. What's the most prevalent color? Red. Then, looking at the plots of those movies reveals even more hidden Communism. The premise of the films promotes a disdain for Capitalism. By having the poor criminals like Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt (both of whom are also Communists, by the way) take money from the successful Capitalist running an honest business like a casino and portray them as the good guys, the movie encourages wealth redistribution. The poor choose to be poor and we owe them nothing (that's why President Bush's plan of taxing the poor more heavily than the rich is so awesome- - they are encouraged to do something with their lives!).

Then, when one looks at George Clooney's personal life, one finds a man committed to radical political action. He's trying to limit the moneymaking activities of some of America's most prominent businesses all in the name of "environmental activism." He's really just trying to give the Russians an advantage in military production. We can't let that happen.

As part America's War on Communism, we must blacklist George Clooney and stop his plan to corrupt America and turn it into an evil Communist empire. Then maybe he'll go back to the Kremlin where he belongs.