Sophomore Donnie Johnson spills the dirt on her a capella group Inspiration, white boys and having her wisdom teeth out.

Street: What's it like being in Inspiration?

Donnie Johnson: It is like being in a family with some of the most talented kids at Penn. Even though I'm taking this semester off, I plan to be at every show supporting them!

Street: Do you sing in the shower?

DJ: Well, I try to sing my soprano parts while I shower, but they never sound as good without the rest of the Inspiration. And my shower is only big enough for duets. so, no.

Street: How did you get involved in the radio industry?

DJ: I kinda just walked into WXPN - it's one of those great institutions on campus that not enough people get involved in. I worked there last year, and now Katonah Coster and I have a radio show called The Starlight Social which airs at 8 p.m. on Sunday nights, not that I'm trying to plug it or anything.

Street: Do you consider yourself funny?

DJ: Usually I'm not the one that makes everyone laugh first, but I have this ridiculous laugh that keeps everyone else laughing. so I think that counts.

Street: Guilty pleasure?

DJ: White boy(s).

Street: Soundtrack to your life?

DJ: Neutral Milk Hotel, The Roots, Belle and Sebastian, Thievery Corporation and anything coming through [my roommate] Lil' Jackie P's walls at 8 a.m.

Street: We heard you came to school engaged.

What did your parents think when you told them?

DJ: You're supposed to tell your parents stuff like that? Everyone knew except for my parents, so it was doomed from the start. I guess I'll tell them about my upcoming engagement - just kidding.

Street: Tabard pledging: overrated or underrated?

DJ: You only see what we do in public. Underrated.

Street: You went to an all-girls prep school: any crazy stories you'd like to retell?

DJ: Nothing too crazy, just learning how to drive stick shift in a Mini Cooper at midnight in the middle of a field of horses, making butt imprints in the snow by jumping out of the window during study hall and my geometry teacher seeing my entire class full frontal as we tried to push his minibus over the night we became seniors.

Street: Best present you ever received?

DJ: My boyfriend and I had a picnic out on Hill field the day he left for London. It was full of my favorite foods and little presents like a framed picture of us and an Allen Ginsberg poetry book with a love note in the inside cover.

Street: Do you drunken text?

DJ: Psh. no. I just have a mischievous friend that steals my phone whenever I'm drunk and sends out flirtatious and/or nonsensical messages.

Street: Last thing you bought?

DJ: Milkshake, tampons and Advil. Wisdom teeth removal + you know = week from hell.