At the risk of losing respect and friendship, I would like to turn your attention to a movie that I thoroughly enjoyed watching: Spice World, or as some call it, "that stupid Spice Girls marketing device."

Those negative Nancies do have a point. Columbia Pictures produced Spice World at the height of the pop-group's popularity in 1997; it was their inevitable foray into the profitable film industry. But as the younger brother of a girl who was all about "spicing up her life," I ushered in puberty with a steady soundtrack of their first single, "Wannabe" playing in the background. In short, watching Spice World in ten segments on YouTube was a strange homecoming. I was transported to that crowded theater, where my mom tried to shield my eyes from Ginger Spice's intense, glittery cleavage. (Hey mom, I saw.)

In short, Spice World is both impressively smart and stupid. Torn between the wit of Austin Powers-esque parody and the superficiality of its tweeny-bopper audience, the movie is layered with thick irony. The plot - and there actually is a plot - revolves around several filmmakers and tabloid journalists following the girls around London as they prepare for an upcoming concert. With cameos from Elton John and Meatloaf, it is actually Roger Moore who steals the show. The former James Bond appears repeatedly, whispering mystical poems and stroking a pet pig. He's not actually funny, but he is creepy enough to make you laugh.

With their reunion tour in full swing, the Spice Girls are in the midst of a comeback. If you're looking to pre-game their Feb. 19 stop in Philadelphia, log online and never give up on the good times.