The video entitled "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" catapulted its creator, crazed Britney fan Chris Crocker, out of the dark corners of Internet obscurity and into the spotlight. The media attention even scored Crocker a spiffy TV deal within weeks of its release. Certain individuals (mostly sober people) are skeptical as to whether his personality can attract a stable core following, but Crocker's new five-second blip "Best Video EVER!" gives us reason to shun the disbelievers. The view count has already reached 2,000,000, causing the views for the rest of the videos on Crocker's site to almost double since their release. So, what kind of feats does this character do in five seconds to merit millions of views? In a post-modern recognition of the Internet as the medium for self-awareness, Chris proves that, somehow, two blinks can rally the masses.