If you think you’ve never heard Taylor Swift’s “Love Story,” or the album Fearless, you’re wrong. There’s no not hearing it; people love to love it and it’s everywhere.

Disclaimer: Swift’s song makes no sense. Girl loves Boy. Boy vanishes. Girl runs into Boy. Boy… proposes. Pure nonsense.

Except reality doesn’t matter — by the time she belts out “I love you and THAT’S all I really know!” Swift has made you a believer. Her plea is inescapably endearing: “…take me somewhere we can be alone.” Who hasn’t been there, when you’re too shy to make out in the hallway, too young to get into a bar and then you’re finally on that couch in your basement (“Dad, don’t you knock?!?”). I’m a sucker for it, and you probably are too. Taylor wants her Romeo so badly, it’s sort of adorable. Even after you hear it over and over and over again.