In the tradition of major concept albums of years past, Squeak E. Clean and DJ Zegon of N.A.S.A. (that is, North America South America) have constructed The Spirit of Apollo, which focuses on the transcendent theme of unity through music. With guest artists like M.I.A., KRS-One and the Cool Kids, these space cadets have fused Brazilian beats and rousing lyrics to create a fly mix of funky tunes.

While other artists have championed this theme through lyrics alone, N.A.S.A. brings together music from diverse genres, eras and regions. Several tracks fall victim to the idea of the album being greater than the music. In defense, members of N.A.S.A. claim that their enthusiasm cannot be delivered in an album alone. Maybe their upcoming tour, which will feature Brazilian percussionists, art installations, dancers and visual effects, will actualize the dream. Until then, The Spirit has lift-off, but it’s no moonwalk.