Nominated, but robbed:

1. Citizen Kane (1941) Lost to: How Green Was My Valley

2. 12 Angry Men (1957) Lost to: The Bridge on the River Kwai

3. Taxi Driver (1976) Lost to: Rocky

4. Fargo (1996) Lost to: The English Patient

5. Brokeback Mountain (2005) Lost to: Crash

Didn’t even get a nod:

1. The Third Man (1949) What won instead: All About Eve

2. Vertigo (1958) What won instead: Gigi

3. Do the Right Thing (1989) What won instead: Driving Miss Daisy

4. The Usual Suspects (1995) What won instead: Braveheart

5. Gran Torino (2008) What will probably win instead: Slumdog Millionaire