Welcome to Twitter, a rapidly growing social networking site that lets users “micro-blog” from the web or their phone. Get up to the minute updates on everything you want (and don’t want) to know about your friends; as Twitter users update their account with what they are doing or thinking at the moment, everyone who so wishes receives the updates via text messages or by logging on to their own Twitter accounts. Even the likes of Barack Obama and Britney Spears keep their fans and followers updated via Twitter. Still confused? Here’s some Twitter jargon to help you get better acquainted with the new trend:

Tweets: 140 character (yes, like a text message) updates, ranging from the inane to the dramatic; Facebook statuses on steroids.

Followers: Those who follow (read: stalk) you on Twitter. Most people limit themselves to their friends and acquaintances, but others (and spammers) collect friends.

Hash tags: These precede any word in your tweet with a “#” in order to make it easily searchable.

@ replies: Typing “@” before any username allows you to respond to one of their tweets. You liked the made-for-TV movie they’re watching right now too? Let them (and everyone else) know.

Direct Messages: Something too private to share with the world but not pressing enough to actually pick up the phone? Text a direct message to one of your friends, for their eyes only.

Don’t let yourself get too addicted — my parents weren’t too happy when I exceeded my text allowance by over 400 messages. Happy tweeting! (And follow me. Please.)

To see Tweeting in action, check out Lowbrow.