Growing up, rainy days typically meant a trip to the movies or a lazy day spent in bed. On special occasions, however, we would travel to the local do-it-yourself pottery place. Channeling our creative skills, we would decorate floral wall hangings, ceramic frogs and oversized coffee mugs with our best friends (and, of course, parental supervision). The Expressive Hand, located off of South Street, conjures up such memories. Offering family fun for all ages, the paint-your-own pottery studio also offers classes in clay and American sign language, as well as birthday parties. For those of you who don’t know the routine, customers select from hundreds of pieces of pottery (ranging in price from $5-$60), and decorate it to their liking. Once finished, customers leave their creations behind to be glazed and fired, ready for pick up a week later. The Expressive Hand even offers improvements to the system, providing curbside pick-up for your pottery as long as you call ahead. Rainy days in Philadelphia are depressing enough. So next time the skies turn gray, try basking in the warmth of nostalgia and make something pretty.

The Expressive Hand 622 S. 9th St. (267) 519-2626