Street: When you’re not on a bike, you’re most likely...? Bob Goldman: Doing yoga, or eating, or both.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn. . . BG: Those who can handle a man in skin-tight baby pink spandex and those who suck.

Street: Most underrated thing about Philadelphia? Overrated? BG: Underrated: Fairmount Park. 50 miles of great singletrack mountain bike trails without leaving the city limits... not that anyone else really cares about that. Overrated: Sleeping in. Do what I do: in bed by 9, up by 6, on the bike by 6:02. Exhilarating.

Street: You’re walking into a party. What is playing in the background? BG: “Let Me Ride” by Dr. Dre or “Bicycle Race” by Queen.

Street: What’s one of your guilty pleasures? BG: I really like ice cream sundaes and I really, really like peanut butter. A jar never lasts more than two days in my apartment.

Street: The last big purchase you made? BG: A new skateboard.

Street: The last little purchase you made? BG: Jar of Crazy Richard’s Creamy Peanut Butter.

Street: What's your favorite way to save the environment? BG: Ride a bike. Duh.

Street: Longest ride you ever took? Any plans for more long rides? BG: The most amount of time I’ve spent on a bike at one time was around 18 hours. And yes, I’m always planning big rides. I’ve got my eye on the Colorado Trail Race and the Great Divide Race (both multi-day self supported events). Plans are also in the making for a Beijing to Paris tour for the summer after graduation.

Street: Spandex — yay or nay? BG: I have an entire dresser filled with nothing but spandex in just about every color.