Street: There are two types of people at Penn... Ashish Sharma: The ones who are in Wharton and then everyone else.

Street: Most underrated thing about Penn? Overrated? AS: Underrated: The performing arts. Half the guys at Penn don’t know which sport the Philadelphia Eagles play but they can sing and do a pirouette at the same time. It’s incredible how much talent exists at Penn. Overrated: It starts with a "Whar" and ends with a "ton."

Street: Least appreciated thing about Philadelphia? AS: Penn. We are the second largest employer in the city of Philadelphia after the government and people still confuse us with that damned state school.

Street: What was your last purchase? AS: My spring break travel package. I’ve been broke since. I live on rice and the food that I steal from my housemates when they aren’t at home.

Street: Best thing about Dhamaka that no one knows? AS: I say this as a straight guy who loves the female form: Dancing with dudes is more fun.

Street: You’re walking into a party. What is playing in the background? AS: “O Saya” from Slumdog Millionaire. I would say the Bhangra song that I listen to 47 times a day, but only five people know about it.

Street: What one of your guilty pleasures? AS: Shaving as often as I can so that I can grow a beard. I’ve been doing it since I was six. My peach fuzz is on a menstrual cycle; it comes once a month.

Street: Who is the coolest person you have ever met? AS: My dad. He is the man. People say I’ve taken after him. I got him a shirt once that said “Dad, you da man” and he tried to return it arguing that ‘the’ was misspelt.

Street: What's in your Chipotle burrito? AS: Remove everything that it currently contains so you have just the tortilla. And then add chicken curry or butter chicken that my housemates’ moms painstakingly bring for us in frozen containers. Heck, remove the tortilla and I’d still be happy. Wow, I am salivating.

Describe the Weiss Tech House in five words. AS: Hub of student led innovation. (Free Printing). Seven, but I know you wouldn't care if it weren't for the last two.

Street: Best Van Pelt alternative? AS: Try the engineering school. You have swipe access 24/7, the computer labs are quiet and the classrooms aren’t locked at night. It’s literally a street away from VP.

Street: You just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? AS: The fact that I’m employed by an actual company. That I was successful in growing a full fledged beard would be too much for them to handle.