Street: What do you think of Street this semester, now that you’re gone? Kerry Golds: Love it. A lot of people still think I work here, and I get credit for it without doing anything. It’s been a good deal.

Street: What will you miss most about Penn? KG: Walking around in matching tee-shirts and sweatshirts with my friends. Group outfits don’t really happen in the real world. Unless you want fries with that?

Street: There are two types of people at Penn... KG: Those who lived on Butcher second floor and those who lived everywhere else. It was (and still is, so I hear) the most ridiculous hall and the best beginning to Penn. Four more years!

Street: Most underrated thing about Penn? Overrated? KG: Overrated: Sex under the button. Underrated: (Read it!)

Street: After four years here, have you become an East Coast convert or is your first love still the West Coast? KG: West Coast IS the best coast. But I’m staying in the East for a while, because second best isn’t that bad. It’s not like the Midwest or something. Or, worse, the South!

Street: Least appreciated thing about Philadelphia? KG: Philadelphia is the least appreciated thing about Philadelphia. Everyone is so focused on leaving Philly, but it has fantastic food and events. And rent isn’t too high. But no, I’m not staying.

Street: What was your last purchase? KG: Coke. As in the soda. Non-diet. That first sip every day soothes my soul.

Street: You’re walking into a party. What is playing in the background? KG: “Lean Like a Cholo” by Down. Elbows up, side to side. That’s how we do in SoCal.

Street: What is one of your guilty pleasures? KG: The Real Housewives of Orange County. Who I hate, from least to most: Tamra, Lauri, Gretchen, Jeana, Vicki, Lynne.

Street: Smoke’s or getting smoked out? KG: Taboo night with my roommates! Even more competitive than getting a drink from the bar at Smoke’s on a Thursday night.

Street: Best Van Pelt alternative? KG: There is no alternative to perfection. To be surrounded by so much knowledge! And people gossiping. And there’s Mark’s too. It’s the college I dreamt of as a wee high schooler.

Street: What has been your post-Street drug of choice? KG: Online shopping. Or as I tell my parents, establishing credit.

Street: Are you a has-been or a wash-up? KG: Definitely a has-been. A wash-up hangs around and doesn’t realize how irrelevant he/she is, but as a has-been I knew when to make my exit. Now I just miss the magazine from afar. Here’s to you, Street!