Street: Where did you look for inspiration when playing this darker character? Seth Rogen: Inspiration is not a word that comes up a lot when talking about my acting career.

Street: Do you see any similarities between your character and yourself? SR: No, not really. A fascination with guns perhaps, but that’s about it.

Street: A lot of your movies have male nudity. Is this a trend you’re trying to start? SR: I don’t know. I guess my ass is in Knocked Up. That’s about it.

Street: Well, how about Step Brothers? SR: Ah, well, okay sure... you got me. Well, it’s funny. Nothing we are necessarily proud of, but we’re doin' it.

Street: What’s the best way to pick up a girl at the mall? SR: I guess I would just masturbate on her.

Street: What interested you in this project? Anna Faris: Well, they hired me, for one. I had seen [director] Jody Hill’s first film, and I wanted to work with Seth. I sort of had to be aggressive with this movie, because I had to convince them that I wanted to play the girl vomitting all over herself. It’s just a lot of fun playing a character that is so bad. I mean, my character is awful.

Street: How surprised were you when the sex scene got put into the movie and the ratings board let it fly with only an R rating? AF: I know. I mean I was shocked. We did the scene. It doesn’t really look that good. Seth and I were like, ‘There is no way this will make it into the movie. This is Warner Brothers, not some indie flick.’ Yeah, and now there it is. I took it to my parents and poured them a glass of wine. Then, I showed them that scene. I was like, ‘Okay, brace yourself.’

Street: What’s the strangest drinking game you’ve ever played? AF: We used to play quarters and hundreds club. I think I made it to 48 or something, which is pretty good for me. This is a bit off topic, but when I was in college, I liked to go to fraternity parties with my friends and tell the guys I was 15 to see which ones would still try and sleep with me.