Street: Most underrated thing about Penn? Overrated? Raja: Underrated: The WALK. Overrated: Penn boys.

Street: Favorite Penn designer? RG: It’s great to see so many students designing. Right now, I’m a fan of the color palette, fabrication and construction of Liza Zheng’s garments.

Street: How would you describe your own style? RG: I always like to somehow reference my Indian heritage. I like to be versatile, dark and forward.

Street: What’s the bitchiest thing you’ve ever heard a model say or do? RG: A Raja never tells… but if you’ve had a bad experience, it’s not their fault — they’re just acting out in hunger.

Street: Yay or nay for the latest no-pants movement? RG: Appreciate it as something different but not for everyone. Ditto for leggings... but please, not every goddamn day!

Street: We’ve seen you don the man bag. Tell us why it rocks. RG: It isn’t for the faint of heart. I’ve shelved it for retirement these days; it’s time to move on… that was so junior year.

Street: Most recent purchase? RG: A McFlurry a la McDonald’s, but me and the Qdoba taco salad are close friends, too. Fashion-wise? Blue jeans coated in acrylic and zippered like woah.

Street: You’re walking into a party. What’s playing in the background? RG: For a good party? Madge, Kylie or '90s. Mediocre party: check Smoke’s.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn... RG: Those who are good at people watching and those who are way too obvious.

Street: Coolest person you've ever met? RG: Well, I dream about Britney a lot... does that count?

Street: Any guilty pleasures? RG: I dance in my underwear every morning to Natalie Imbruglia­ — but I have the feeling this is a common ritual amongst a large minority of Penn boys.

Street: You just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? RG: I’ll be going by a different name: Victoria Beckham. Take what you will from that statement.