What more can a guy ask for than a comedy with flying people and explosions?

John Hancock (Will Smith) is a misunderstood lowlife with Superman-like powers who not only stops crime but also smashes buildings and cars for fun. When he’s criticized for this aggressive behavior, Hancock gets all dramatic, leading to a life of isolation, alcoholism and cynicism.

The movie illustrates how a superhero might act if his identity were public and if he were treated like a controversial celebrity. Plus, it addresses other issues, including the unfortunate effects of super strength on one's sex life.

Smith should have declined the role of the alcoholic asshole-turned-superhero, and it's a definite step down for Oscar winner Charlize Theron, who plays the secretive love interest.

The film may be implausible and the special effects may be comical, but its super macho, over-the-top qualities make it perfect for a night in with the guys.