It’s February, and you know what that means! Seniors are running rampant, eager to fill their Feb Club cards and claim a spot on the holy plaque at Smokes. Helming this crusade is Class of 2010 President Arthur Gardner Smith, a Milwaukee native majoring in finance and minoring in having an awesome senior year. Did we mention he’s having an awesome senior year? Because he's having an awesome senior year.

Street: What don’t most people know about you?

Arthur Gardner Smith: My dorm room looks like Ty from Extreme Makeover Home Edition came in and went to work. My mother, who religiously watches Martha Stewart, went a little over board with the decorating. It’s a dorm, not a house.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn, those who___ and those who___?

AGS: Those who are serious students engaged on campus and the community at large and those who are SENIORS and are livin’ the life! … I love my class.

Street: You’ve just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you?

AGS: That I can grow hair! It’s been seen before, particularly when its cold outside.

Street: Favorite Feb Club event?

AGS: Definitely our random Junior vs. Senior snow ball fight that no one showed up to during the snow day. ‘Twas priceless! I heard the prize for the Juniors was to capture me for a 2011 sweatshirt. To be honest, I watched from the 22nd floor of Harrison, laughing ferociously as I looked down at the Juniors who were so eager to find me to claim their prize.

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be?

AGS: In light of the snow day — the capacity to bring about inclement weather. Picture this: if the boss says you have no more sick days, whip a snow storm on them, and everyone gets the day off. What more could you ask for? You have a presentation that’s due the next day, you don’t feel like putting it together — solution: inflict a snow storm.

Street: Who would win in a celebrity death match, Class Board 2010 or the UA?

AGS: Is this a real question? [Ed note: No.] My board would dominate the UA any day. Celebrity death match, poker, hop scotch, a ‘Go-Fish’ tournament, you name it, we’ll take all the branches.

Street: Most memorable moment of your college experience thus far?

AGS: Our Hey Day was unreal. Seeing my entire class process down Locust Walk to College Hall was beyond what words can capture. This was definitely our biggest and most looked forward to event that we have hosted so far. Nearly 2,000 Penn 10’ers were gathered, painted in red T-shirts, to celebrate the beginning of the best year yet — Senior year!

Street: Which is a more difficult feat, getting 28 stamps or sex under the button?

AGS: Sex under the button, definitely. The holes at the top of the button may give more 'wiggle' room, but it sounds kinda complicated and might I add, its freezing outside.