Senior class prez, Adam Behrens, is really sorry about all of those 2011 emails he’s sent out. When he’s not splitting his time between Sphinx and Skulls, Adam likes to set his breakfast on fire. This closet gansta waxes poetic on his journey from socially inept freshman to Economist-lovin’ Parisian-at-heart.

Street: If you could do one thing for the senior class it would be … ? Adam Behrens: Free Economist subscriptions for everyone. Take that, UA Readership Program.

Street: What is the best thing about being senior class president? AB: Leah Popowich.

Street: What is the worst? AB: The class-wide e-mails (if you think it’s bad getting them, try sending them). Street: On your Facebook profile, you list your religious and political views as 'Possibilian' and a 'Free Thinker,' respectively. What’s the difference? AB: The first says “I don’t have a clue” and the second says “neither do you.”

Street: What is the question everyone’s scared to ask you? AB: How did I get elected President after living in Stouffer freshman year? Answer: I have no clue either.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn … ? AB: Those who pay for their desserts and those who bring Tupperwear to convocation.

Street: What was your last purchase? AB: I just bought a creme brulee torch from Amazon so that I can take my morning oatmeal to the next level. It may sound weird, but I dare you to try it once and then return to using a microwave. Doesn’t even come close.

Street: What don’t most people know about you? AB: I own a headlamp that I use for reading in bed. Liz Lemon would probably say that’s a dealbreaker.

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be? AB: To actually be funny (I’m pretty sure answering these questions was harder than planning last year’s Hey Day).

Street: What song is playing when you walk into the room? AB: Gangsta’s Paradise

Street: Any guilty pleasures? AB: Websites involving kittens or puppies.

Street: You’ve just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? AB: I traded in my New York Times subscription for the Wall Street Journal.