Head of Bloomers and SMAC, Rachel Romeo is so over Shakespeare jokes and over-priced desserts, but welcomes any challengers for a good jello-wrestle. This blonde (?!) Friar enjoys oh-so-classy undergarments and yearly gifts from A-Gut. Ask for a peek at her bloomers. Do it.

Street: FPAN, SMAC, PAC — what’s with the acronyms? Rachel Romeo: WWASLWD. (Whole Words Are So Last Week, Duh).

Street: What’s the difference between SMAC and PAC? R.R.: SMAC is for PAC-stars who can’t sing, dance or act, but who always win in a bar fight.

Street: Who would win in a death match: Friars or Bloomers? R.R.: Depends, does it involve jello wrestling? Because Bloomers are undefeated. Just sayin’.

Street: Word on the street is you're an Amy Gutmann scholar. We don’t know what that is but it sounds awesome; care to explain? R.R.: It means she sends me badass non-denominational holiday presents.

Street: What is the most underrated thing at Penn? Overrated? R.R.: Underrated: Ben & Jerry’s happy hour (three scoops for three dollars!?!). Overrated: Spending twice as much on a thimble of gelato. Street: There are two types of people at Penn … R.R.: Those whose G-strings hang out accidentally and those who flash their bloomers on purpose.

Street: Any guilty pleasures? R.R.: Peacing out on college life to work in a baby lab. They’re cuter than college students when they drool.

Street: You’ve just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? R.R.: I’m not actually a ginger. I’m a BLONDE … Seriously though, it’s true. Really.

Street: What song is playing when you walk into the room? R.R.: A mash-up of “Redneck Woman” and “Cold Hard Bitch.” Street: If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be? R.R.: Ability to absorb caffeine through my pores.

Street: What is the question everyone’s scared to ask you? R.R.: What the #%!$ happened to your knees?! (Answer: heinous curling injury — shoulda seen the other guy ... )

Street: Who is the coolest person you’ve ever met? R.R.: Vanessa Bayer — Bloomer ’04 and the newest cast member of SNL, holla!!

Street: What’s the lamest Romeo and Juliet joke someone’s ever made about your name? R.R.: The Shakespearean love shoutout I got last semester. WHO THE HELL WROTE IT?!? Because you should def call me, I’m single! ;) [Ed. Note: The shoutout read: "To the girl named Romeo: Oh that I were a brace upon those knees, that I might touch those legs! Wherefore are you not mine?" ]