Meet the five most powerful people on Penn’s campus. The Smoke's bouncers are full of advice on how to not get in (read: they don’t want your sister). These Boyz II Men wannabes chatted with Street this week to share some of their best and worst experiences guarding those golden gates.

Street: What’s the lamest excuse for an ID you’ve ever seen?

Matt Machucki: One night I was handed a birth certificate with a baby picture attached to it.

Kenny Csaplar: A kid tried to give me my old fake that I used all freshman and sophmore year. He wouldn’t tell me how he got it.

Chris Fortunato: The business card of Penn Football’s quarterbacks coach, Larry Woods.

Shane Brady: The guy’s signature on his ID was a different name than the actual name printed on the ID.

Bill Roegge: In general, when pre-pubescent-looking freshmen have IDs that say they’re 25.

Street: What the best bribe you’ve ever received?

MM: $100 to get in 10 minutes before closing … the kid was not exactly the brightest.

KC: Coke. Not my thing though.

CF: One guy’s sister.

SB: I’ve seen a blackout guy try to give $100 to get in before his girlfriend grabbed the money, told him no and took him home.

Street: The worst … ?

MM: An 8 ball of blow during Erin Express.

KC: 2 freshman girls' phone numbers.

CF: A hug.

BR: Apparently some people consider quarters to be a sufficiently convincing bribe. And no, not the green kind of quarters.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn…

MM: The people who sit in their room and rot, and the people who actually like to get acollege experience.

CF: People who get into Smoke's and people who don’t.

SB: Those who go to Copa on Wednesday and those who go to Smoke's on


BR: Those who have fallen down the stairs at Smoke's, and those who haven’t.

Street: What’s your favorite Smoke’s dance jam?

MM: Juvenile - "Back That Azz Up" or Elton John - "Tiny Dancer."

KC: Juvenile - "Back That Azz Up"

CF: Anything by Kweder after 2 a.m.

SB: Drunk Kweder, playing guitar, while lying down on the middle of the floor.

BR: Heroin, heroin, heroin …

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be?

MM: Hard question, but I would have to say the ability to teleport to any place like in the movie Jumper.

KC: Fly.

SB: Probably to be able to fly.

BR: Be able to simultaneously work the door and chug Long Islands at the bar. I guess that’s not a superpower; it just involves a lot of running.

Street: What is the question everyone’s scared to ask you?

MM: Either “Can I shake your hand?” or “You know Jacob Bock?”

KC: "Are the rumors true?"

CF: “Was she always that crazy?”

SB: "How much do you bench?"

Street: Best celebrity sighting?

MM: Probably a few of the Philadelphia Flyers or Jacob Bock.

KC: Jacob Bock. If you don’t know who that is, don’t ever try to come to Smoke's.

SB: I don’t know about the best, but the worst was some guy from the Real World D.C. — not that he’s a celebrity — who thought he could get free drinks. He paid like everyone else.

BR: You mean besides Kenny Kweder every Tuesday night?

Street: How does one become a Smoke’s bouncer?

MM: Natural talent. No, just through connections, like the famous Kenny Csaplar.

KC: Prove your loyalty.

CF: Among a plethora of other prerequisites, you really just have to be "The Man."

SB: Know someone that already works there.

BR: I wish this were the question everyone was scared to ask me.

Street: If you were a boy band, which would you be?

MM: Probably would take the role of Justin Timberlake in *NSYNC.

KC: Backstreet.

CF and BR: Boyz II Men.