The face of Alternative Spring Break, Jessie Spellman is unlikely to sell her soul to Goldman. For right now, this Wawa snack fan is fighting her boyfriend for name custody and having a bit too much fun with her showerhead.

Street: What’s the most valuable experience you’ve had on Alternative Spring Break? Jessie Spellman: When I joined ASB as a freshman I had already filled out a couple of applications to transfer out of Penn. That single week away from campus with Penn students changed my entire perspective. The friends I’ve made and the relationships I’ve built through this organization have been truly transformative.

Street: Do you get any downtime on Alternative Spring Break? JS: Yes! You’re usually done with your service day no later than four in the afternoon and you have the rest of the night to hang out with all the people on your trip. Street: So, you’re Jessie and you’re dating a Jesse; does that ever get confusing? JS: No, we played Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who got to keep their name … he won.

Street: Any guilty pleasures? JS: My showerhead …

Street: If you could be any animal, what would it be? JS: A female golden retriever so I could date Hadler instead of Jesse.

Street: What's your favorite Philly hotspot? JS: The Japanese Tea Gardens by the Centennial Park.

Street: Urban Studies, Habitat for Humanity, West Philly tutoring … you’re well on your way to urban superhero. What do you do when you’re not reconstructing our city? JS: See guilty pleasures.

Street: What is the most underrated thing at Penn? Overrated? JS: Underrated … Philly and its Wawa mac n' cheese. Overrated … OCR and moving to New York.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn … ? JS: Those who wear denim and those who go to Denim.

Street: You’ve just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? JS: That I work for Goldman and wear $600 shoes made by child laborers in southern China.

Street: What song is playing when you walk into the room? JS: "Do the Stanky Leg."

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be? JS: Omnipresence.

Street: What is the question everyone’s scared to ask you? JS: Are those real? Street: Who is the coolest person you’ve ever met? JS: Seriously? Maura Douglas. But Drew Brees was a very close second.