Where does Larry King belong in relation to Ghostbusters?

If you answered that he probably knows the famous spectral exterminators well, having been mistaken as a walking corpse by countless concerned citizens, you would be wrong.

Mr. King can thank the civet cat for providing him with the enviable status of being only one degree of separation shy of the 1984 classic.

After a nice meal and some r–and–r the night before Thanksgiving, my recently–reunited family settled down for some bonding time. Larry King Live isn’t a show we usually flip to when in the mood for inoffensive background noise, but tonight the guest was Jack Hanna and a bevy of animals!

The background turned into the foreground as we were instantly and endlessly enthralled by a baby bobcat and an angry rattlesnake, among other delights.

And then, all of a sudden … whoa, did someone just open the refrigerator? Zuul was staring us in the face, innocently perched over Larry’s mountainous shoulders.

A civet cat is a black mammal with eyes of death, obviously the inspiration for Zuul from Ghostbusters.

Born with powers of possession and a hunger for world domination, the civet had the audacity to play camera shy.

But I have your number, Zuul. Watch out Larry, or you may soon find yourself unaware of your actions, on the hunt for a mysterious “key.”