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If you’re the kind of person who regularly raids your grandparents’ wardrobe, Josie’s Sophisticated Seconds is your one–stop destination for fashion. Decked out with vintage suits, trench coats, fashionable dresses and designer handbags, Sophisticated Seconds offers old–school style with a refreshingly affordable price tag.

Although it caters to an older demographic of shoppers, this adorable thrift store located on a bustling block of Sansom Street in Center City has something for everyone — if you’re willing to look for it. The walls are lined with racks upon racks of lightly worn secondhand dresses, coats and suits, inviting you to take your time and search through them for the best sales.

Don’t let the second half of the store’s name scare you; everything inside looks like it’s brand new. On the wall of dresses, you can find anything from Forever 21 to Diane von Furstenburg to Zara formalwear. On the other side of the store lies a wide selection of dress pants and suits.

If formal wear isn’t what you’re looking for, never fear; Sophisticated Seconds is chock full of stylish accessories. You can find almost anything you can think of, from genuine leather clutches to elegant scarves to snazzy bowties. One customer’s favorite is the $1 shoe bin (yes ladies, $1 for a pair of cute shoes). There’s also a cabinet filled with vintage jewelry, with pearl earrings and delicate necklaces to compliment any little black dress you find.

One of the store’s greatest gems is its supply of designer handbags. Dooney and Bourke all–weather leather handbags run at about $50, a mere fraction of their retail price. This is probably the best part of Sophisticated Seconds: it’s exceptionally inexpensive price range. If you’re looking for a good bargain, keep an eye out for the different colored price tags; these mark discounts of 20%, 40% and 60% off some already affordable prices.

Full of hidden gems, this secondhand store invites you to explore its racks and bins for designer bargains. With a variety of stylish dresses and menswear, Sophisticated Seconds is an ideal stop for anything from semi–formal to casual chic, and it doesn't require you to drop a ton of cash.

Josie's Sophisticated Seconds 2019 Sansom St. (215) 561–6740 What to look for: Designer handbags. Bottom line: Underrated thrift store with a lot to offer.