Front Row, middle: Pros: Enough eye contact with the professor can lead to networking opportunities and a personal relationship — not that kind. (Or if you’re really ambitious...that kind.) Cons: You’re actually expected to participate. Also, your classmates think you’re an asshole. Who you’ll find there: Overachievers and people with really bad eyesight. What it says about you: You’re eager to learn and even more eager that the teacher knows you’re eager to learn. That, or you were the last one to class.

Window Side Pros: Nature, or even the steel roof of DRL, is better than having to look at your professor. Cons: The moment the sun is at just the right angle that you’re instantly blinded and there’s glare all over your computer screen. Who you’ll find there: That girl trying to tan in a temperature–controlled environment. What it says about you: You’re a daydreamer and creative type and, most likely, in the College.

Middle Center Pros: In the most populated area of the lecture hall there’s no need to worry about being asked to answer anything, or even being recognized as an individual human being. Cons: Being surrounded on both sides means you’ll have to awkwardly crumple your jacket behind you and not on an empty seat next to you. The worst! Who you’ll find there: The Adderall–ed masses. What it says about you: Who are you? Do you even go here?

Back Left Pros: Your seat is directly next to the door, allowing you to slip in and out of class whenever you please. Also, it’s the perfect location for a 50–minute nap. Cons: TAs breathing down your neck. Who you’ll find there: Some kid doing homework for another class. What it says about you: It’s admirable how little your tuition money matters to you.