Let’s be honest, we all like to be a little domestic. Sure, we here at Penn are learning how to be young professionals. But amidst the never–ending midterms and the perfectly pressed OCR suits (and lady suits), sometimes we need turn away from all of that and embrace the weird, the quirky, the charming. Pull up your hipster socks, throw on a frumpy sweater and grab your apron. We’re headed to the kitchen. What better way to spruce up the kitchen and infuse your everyday life with humor and joy than ironic kitchenware? You might not always notice that pig–shaped saltshaker in the corner, but when you do, it’s sure to bring a smile to your face. And who knew that a ceramic rooster could pull a room together? Follow this guide and you’re well on your way to becoming the resident do–it–yourself–1950s–inspired–kitschy–kitchen–collector–extraordinaire. Or something like that.

For expertise on the Internet, we turn to C. Dianne Zweig. I’m not sure what century she’s living in, but I want to be there with her. Dianne is something of a kitchen genius. Her personal blog, “Kitsch ‘n Stuff” is filled with recommendations for other sites, suggestions for ways to complete your vintage lifestyle and how–to’s on transforming your own kitchen. She answers the questions you didn’t even know you had, like how to use junk in your junk drawer and how to center a kitchen on poodle collectibles.

For more of the magic, visit http://cdiannezweig.blogspot.com.

For her favorite home blogs, visit http://www.blogs.com/topten/10–best–retro–kitchen–kitsch–and–home–blogs/


Ok, ok, so you might not be ready to commit to a part time job. Or maybe you’re not a crafter, a forager and a collector. That’s fine, not all of us are. But you’d still like to add some kitsch to your life. That’s when you let someone else do the work for you (ah, isn’t the Internet a wonderful place?). “Collectors Weekly” is a Mecca for all of the tormented souls trying to live in another decade. It is a safe haven where these wanderers can post about their finds, their collections, why they are important, why we all need them in our lives. People can brag with picture posts, and then, here’s the kicker, the site is linked directly to Ebay! So for all you lazy shoppers out there, the Santa Clause–shaped candy container can be yours with the click of a button.

For all collections, visit http://www.collectorsweekly.com

For just the kitchen stuff, check out http://www.collectorsweekly.com/kitchen/overview


Ok, so you’re up for an adventure. But you want to reach out to the Philadelphia community and buy from the locals. There’s a site for that. And it’s called “Phantastic Phinds, LLC: Consignment Furniture & Home Goods.” It’s so worth the trip if you’re looking to shop.  This store collects mostly vintage and antique items in good conditions. And their kitchen supply stock is bangin’. Just browse online, go see the item in person and purchase. Or, if you’re feeling bold, purchase online and then go pick it up.

To browse, visit http://www.phantasticphinds.com

To pick up: 631 Bethlehem Pike Erdenheim, PA 19038