Theme: Arcade

Barcade, 1114 Frankford Ave.

Barcade features a hefty list of classic arcade games ranging from Ms. Pacman to Frogger, and an even longer list of craft beers and delicious food. Nothing goes better with a Cuban Pork sandwich then an ice–cold brew and a few games of Super Mario Bros.

Theme: Chocolate

Max Brenner, 1500 Walnut St.

Think a Tiramisu cocktail with brandy, Kahlua, espresso and milk chocolate. Think waffle fries dusted with chili and cocoa powder or beer–battered onion rings with dark chocolate ranch dressing. Finally, entertain the idea of chocolate fondues, a chocolate s’mores sundae and a chocolate chunks pizza. Are you there yet?

Theme: Jungle

Bamboo Bar, 939 N. Delaware Ave.

Want to party like Tarzan? Here’s your place. Bamboo Bar is a jungle–themed club that will have you feeling like you’re getting down in the tropics. We’re talking a full–fledged waterfall and a tikki bar. Besides the amazonian décor, the cauldron–sized tropical drinks will have you feeling like you’re the king of the jungle.