TWA That Was Awkward Did you see that dude being hugged by the girl in the Vagina suit? So TWA.

SALF Strategically Avoiding Locust Flyers That guy is clearly faking a phone conversation to avoid Mask & Wig for the 100th time—that's solid SALFing.

SWUG Senior Washed–Up Girl Look at that bitch sleeping in a booth at Smoke’s. What a SWUG.

SNAG Sensitive New Age Guy Girl 1: Did you hear that OZ donated money to the Vagina Monologues? Girl 2: Since when did they become such SNAGs?

NSFC Not Safe For Class Careful where you open that Snapchat—it’s NSFC.

FIT Fratting It Tight Backwards cap and matching bro–tanks… those Pike guys are FIT.

LFZ Letters Free Zone Student Health simply must be a LFZ, don’t want to wind up in the Round-–Up.

Husband–Shopping Self–explanatory I can’t wear a sweatshirt to my class in Huntsman because I’m husband–shopping! God Karen you’re SO STUPID!