Antiquarian’s Delight 615 S. 6th Street If the regal stone façade doesn’t intimidate you, the entrance might-: you have to knock on the large wooden doors, wait for someone to answer and pay a dollar to enter. Browsing the store feels a bit like snooping around an aristocratic European home. The shop is stocked with items suited for an elderly lady—fur coats, stately furniture and vintage luggage. Ideal if you’re in need of a mink coat. Getting There: Take the 40 bus down South St. to 6th St.; walk one block south   Requiem Curiosity Shop 603 S. 9th Street If you’re feeling nostalgic for Halloween, head over to Requiem. A quick sweep yields a full human skeleton, various stuffed creatures and ghostly specimens suspended in glass jars. The medical and scientific gadgets are also worth a look. Requiem is not for the faint of heart (or stomach), but you’re bound to find things you won’t encounter elsewhere. Toad purse, anyone? Getting There: Take the 40 bus down South St. to 9th St.