To My So–Called Friends,

Today marks the 10th day since you’ve deserted me in the Dominican Republic. For those of you who don’t know, I was detained for one day at the Santo Domingo airport because I did not have my student visa with me. This might be the only airport disaster when the airline representative was more helpful than your so–called loved ones.

First of all, I want to make a big shout–out to my friend who quietly took out her stored liquids from my suitcase the minute she learned that I was not coming home with everyone. Thanks for the solidarity. I also want to thank the girl who started crying before I had a chance to start crying. Bitch, trying to steal my show. And to my Internet–savvy friends who researched the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website before we left and convinced me that I don’t need to take my student visa with me: YOU WERE SO WRONG.

On a different note, I want to thank my friend at home who picked up my visa, my friend’s dad who drove it to Newark, and my friend who mailed it to the DR’s United Airlines customer service desk. I wish I celebrated Spring Break with you guys.

Last but not least, thanks to the accommodating U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Your misleading website cost me $$$. Get your shit together.

By the way, I haven’t told my parents yet, so no talk of this during graduation. Shhhhhh.



        The Rejected One