After 17 years of testing genre boundaries, Of Montreal is still surprising fans with its ’60s psychedelic pop/’70s glam rock–inspired 12th studio album, “Lousy With Sylvianbriar.” Opening with standout track “Fugitive Air,” Of Montreal maintains the energized art rock of earlier albums against a backdrop of traditional classic rock. From “Fugitive Air” to the third track “Belle Glade Missionaries,” the album juggles multiple styles without being disjointed, seamlessly switching to a folkier twang with “Sirens of Your Toxic Spirit” and “Raindrop in My Skull.” Though “Lousy” may not be the band’s most notable effort, Of Montreal continue to transcend genres with a refreshing verve.


Grade: A–

Download: “Belle Glade Missionaries”

Sounds best when: Craving adventure.