With summer just starting, we know there are office romances awkward hometown tinder hookups waiting just around the corner. But since Street has your best interests at heart, we thought it might be helpful to give you a head start on dating for once you’re back on Locust. To shed some knowledge, here’s a guide to love in the time of fuck buddies. This way when you head back to University City in the fall, you’ll know exactly where to go online to find that special Quaker.


For the romantics who think the Wilcaf barista who remembered your name is totally in love with you when really he is just a nice guy who remembers everybody’s name.


For that Oz guy who’s definitely not an asshole but just wants to explore his Pan-Asian foot fetish.


For the engineers who are weirdly into heavy machinery and definitely into bondage.


For the student activists whose desire to abolish systematized racism. (P.S. Sorry Phi Delt, the only inflated things on here are your egos)


Are there Christians at Penn? Let a homie know. #Catholicandlooking


For the actual poor kids just trying to flirt a little and not have to meet someone in a sweaty mosh pit on Bankers-slick surfaces. 


All enrolled students. 


We're fairly sure this was just a start-up in the Wharton Business Plan Competition.


Can we just focus on how upsetting it is that this site exists?


Finally, old faithful. For the dfmo enthusiasts and surprise grinders alike, may you never stop making everyone wildly uncomfortable.