Gia Pronto is Italian for "already ready" -- a fitting appellation considering that all their food is pre-prepared. If the food and the restaurant's name draw reminiscences to an authentic feast d'Italia, the layout leaves much to be desired. Walking into the restaurant, diners are greeted with the sanitized feel of stainless steel tables and art-deco track lighting. The ultramodern sensibility compares unfavorably with the dimly lit espresso bars they ought to emulate. Prepackaged salads line the walls, as does an array of mineral waters and vitamin shakes -- with the obligatory San Pelegrino claiming the most shelf space.

The purpose of numerous counter waiters appears superfluous. One person can clearly handle the dearth of business attracted to this quaint setting. The espresso bar, gleaming with a fresh unused finish, remained both unattended by customers and servers. Likewise, the interior and exterior dining sections were scarcely frequented at the seemingly peak business hour of noon to one.

The meal itself -- grilled chicken with curried onion relish and panino gia pronto sandwiches with a San Pelegrino sparkling mineral water -- ran a pricy $15.64. The bread bore the unmistakably Italian authenticity and the sandwich's innards brought a smile. It was savory; it was delightful; it was not worth $15.64. But it was a nice departure from the standard Wawa, which resides on the same store block. Unfortunately, Penn's campus already has a place to be overcharged for coffee products and prepackaged Italian fare -- it's called Cosi. Just go home already.