The Matrix was a good movie. Perhaps a great movie to some, but commonly accepted as at least a good movie by most. Reloaded was not good. Fine, it was not terrible. Some say "the second one blew chucks," but if it had not been released to such high hopes, it would have been fine. It could have been a standalone action hit. Plus, one knew that Revolutions would be not simply good but great -- a huge ball of Gnostic-Christian-postmodernist, graphically-exceptional fun.

But Revolutions was not great. It was not even good. Neo (Keanu Reeves) looked like a cartoon half the time. There were no moments of sudden and unexpected brilliance, intellectual or otherwise. The special effects that were spectacular in the first film and bland in the second were basically bad by the third, which is particularly unfortunate because the story line of Revolutions is not that good. Actually, the story line was the opposite of good.

The film is standard action fare, which is sad because one wished and hoped for more. The feeling was that with the third installment would come enlightenment, when in fact the greatest part of the movie was a sunrise rivaled only by those in the Robin Williams' classic What Dreams May Come.

After the film, one might feel the need to divulge the ending to others, just to purge oneself of the sadness and disappointment one feels. Don't worry -- no ending will be revealed here -- though the truth is, there's not much to reveal. Through the drawn-out film, all 129 minutes of it, there was the anticipation of that "I was blind... now I can see" moment. It was a moment that never came.

The best part of the movie was Sati (Tanveer Atwal), a young program with no purpose who is saved by her parents and the Oracle (Mary Alice). She existed to prove that even programs can feel love, but the truth is, she was just cute. Certainly cuter than the rest of the horrifically cute moments that attempted to balance out the horrifically long battle scenes.

And with that, the saga draws to a close -- hopefully.