Those of us sitting at home mourning the loss of Sex and the City on Sunday nights can check out this new group of girlfriends. Desperate Housewives (premiering Oct. 3 at 9 p.m.) proves that television producers are pretty desperate for new show ideas. Like Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, these women are hot and 30-something. But apparently the successful and independent single girl is out, and has been replaced by the rich and depressed suburban housewife. These women aren't hanging out at trendy clubs sipping cosmopolitans, but rather shuttling kids to soccer games and baking cookies. The pilot begins when one young rich mom chooses suicide to escape her dismal life on the tree-lined streets of suburbia. She looks down on her girlfriends from "above" and reveals the scandalous secrets behind these picture-perfect homemakers. Each woman has her own sad story -- there's the chronic divorcee,the neurotic Martha Stewart-type, the ex-model, and the ex-career woman. It's a spin on a formula that worked so well -- another world where women take center stage and the men are only sub-plots. Careful, though -- this one might be only unintentionally funny.