At first glance, Harsh Times seems to be a film about two friends getting stoned and chasing women in South Central L.A. However, the themes run darker and deeper, covering violence and peer pressure. Mike (Freddy Rodriguez, Six Feet Under), under pressure from his lawyer girlfriend Sylvia (Eva Longoria, Desperate Housewives), begins hunting for jobs when childhood friend Jim (Christian Bale) returns to town after a dishonorable discharge from the military.

Jim plans to join the LAPD and use his standing to bring his Mexican fianc‚ to the states. But after the force rejects him, Jim and Mike get drunk mid-day, while driving, leading to a series of other major felonies. Though Mike clearly is uncomfortable with his buddy's antics, he seems unrealistically unable to overcome even the smallest doses of peer pressure.

Still, the film raises a resonant question in today's world about how war veterans readjust (or fail to readjust) to life back home. Bale gives a highly convincing performance as a man on the edge, possibly suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or some other mental disturbance (thank you, Abnormal Psych).

Jim gets a second chance when approached by the Department of Homeland Security, but the film is ultimately a terrifying tale of self-destruction. On a brighter note, there are a few comedic scenes throughout, one of which involves private parts, a turkey baster and vinegar in preparation for a urine test. Harsh Times is not for all, but certainly worthwhile for those who can stomach it.