So the Oscar nominations are out and Atonement didn't score as many nods as we would have liked. Nonetheless, we're optimistic about the upcoming year's crop of flicks. Though Blonde Ambition went straight to DVD (further confirming Proactiv ads as Jessica's sole source of income), we're ready for movies that will actually hit theaters. If schlepping to the Ritz seems beyond your capabilities, however, a class or two at Penn might be enough to stimulate your inner cinephile.

Movies that are worth $11:

A Cannes Film Festival gem called 4 Months, 3 Weeks, & 2 Days, about a woman trying to get an illegal abortion in 1980s Romania.

Be Kind, Rewind, about two guys who remake a bunch of classics. From the director who brought you Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Classes that could conceivably be interesting:

Russian and East European Film (RUSS 165): From propaganda to perestroika, this course examines it all in the context of film theory. A must-take if repressed Soviet political and sexual desires make you wish it were 1989.

Study of an Author: Woody Allen (CINE 115): Though we don't entirely understand Allen's obsession with Scarlett Johansson, we're willing to overlook it in light of his utter brilliance. This course shows 12 of his best films and promises enough Freudian discussion to make us question the benefits of therapy once and for all. We can't think of anything better than weekly musings about cultural relativism, orgasms and general dysfunction.