Dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is acceptable only twice during the average person's lifetime: for the duration of 1983 and at your brother's bar mitzvah. Filipino prisoners, however, are bringing sexy back in a way even the King of Pedophiles couldn't have envisioned.

Type "Filipino prisoners thriller" into YouTube and feast your eyes on 1500 orange jumpsuit-clad inmates prancing entirely in sync. Originally initiated as a way to encourage outdoor exercise, the rehearsals have prompted several more interpretations, including a rhythmic march to Black Eyed Peas and a reenactment of "I Will Follow Him" from Sister Act. As one of the lead dancers (in prison on drug charges) proudly proclaimed, "I wouldn't be famous if I weren't in prison." Just more proof that La Lohan's career didn't have to plummet because of the slammer.