History majors, bottoms up! If you know anything relevant about Ben Franklin, you've been going to too many classes. Put down Stephen Ambrose and get onto YouTube to watch three episodes from the hammered historian of our time: enter user DrunkHistory.

Here at the mecca for Greek geeks, it's a familiar story: red cup in hand, you pretend not to know who David McCullough is, then a certain someone says she loves him. and that's right baby, John Adams is your favorite president. She likes Truman, doesn't go home with you and for lack of planting other seeds, one thing does stick with you. "You know what man, Alexander Hamilton was a bad ass!"

Well, as badass as Michael Cera can be. He plays the Ham and Jack Black plays Ben Franklin as the man you've always known Penn was formed in the image of: a skullet-styled nymphomaniac.

You can only pretend to prefer Franzia to Franklin for so long. Like a microcosm for your entire Penn experience, the kid only stops getting his nerd on to puke and pour another drink, then he's right back in front of the camera, talking colonial trash. Discover it for yourself at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V_DsL1x1uY.