If the produce at Fro Gro makes you weep quietly and Trader Joe’s is just too damn far, head to The Clark Park Farmer’s Market (at 44th and Baltimore). It's open every Saturday from 10–2, year–round.

The goods:

The Fahnestock Fruit Farm: This stop is obligatory. The Fahnestock Fruit Farm is the only remaining vendor from the market’s inception 12 years ago. This family-–run farm is in its third generation. Right around this time of year, they have incredible cider. Hails Family Farm: Chobani is so lame compared to yogurt from this dairy farm. There’s chocolate milk(!!), 16 types of cheese and when the season strikes, eggnog. Brogue Hydroponics: Really pretty hydroponic lettuce for when you’re feeling fancy. Market Day Canele: Get this: Philly–made caramels flavored with vanilla, rum and orange zest. These will melt in your mouth in the most perfect way. John & Kira’s Chocolates: Some of the ingredients in these ever–changing array of chocolates are from the rooftop garden at University City High School. How’s that for local?

The jargon:

Free–range: A term that means animals have had access to the outdoors. Usually applies to eggs. Organic: Food produced without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, additives or irradiation. Organic food sometimes looks less than perfect but tastes great. Hydroponic: A method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water, sans soil.