Can spooning naked get you pregnant?

Most likely no. I mean you should never say never when talking about pregnancy or STIs because there are always those super freak accidents. Like “I got gonorrhea from a toilet seat” or “ I got pregnant because he fingered me with cum on his hand.”

Sperm can live inside the vagina for five days, but when ejaculated into the air, those little swimmers can only live for about 20 minutes to two hours, depending on the conditions of the room. So, not to freak you out, but if he ejaculates before you spoon, there can be a slight risk. It’s pretty easily preventable though. Just make sure to clean up a little before you get all cuddly. Even if you put on underwear, make sure to wipe up first. Sperm is small and liquid-y, and it can soak through (especially thin cloth… that’s why condoms are rubber.)

Pre-ejaculate can also contain trace amounts of sperm and has been known to get people pregnant. This is usually from people trying the “pull-out” method, though, which just make Miss Cassandra want to hide her face in her palm anyway.



I read a lot of Cosmo and they have a ton of sex tips that don’t sound like they would be fun. Do guys actually like this stuff?

Well first, check yourself. “I read a lot of Cosmo” (some one screams from the back, “She doesn’t even go here.”) Cosmo can mess with your head. Think, if you had to come up with like 500 new sex tips every few weeks, they’re bound to get weird at some point. Even Miss Cassandra, a seasoned Sex Professional, isn’t that good.

Cosmo can have a few good tips sometimes, but usually they’re hidden inside a maze of crazy like "Order a pizza then immediately begin to have sex. If he doesn't come before the pizza comes, he owes you a free pizza." While tips like these aren’t necessarily sexually dangerous and I mean, you’ll be having sex and getting food—so like, score—they aren’t particularly hot. Putting men on a timer just makes them nervous and the word “pizza” isn’t really an aphrodisiac.

You have to consider three things while thinking about Cosmo tips. 1) Would my partner and I be comfortable with this? If you are, you may as well try it once. 2) Does it interest me at all?  A lot of them are going to sound gross, don’t do it if it doesn’t sound fun at all. 3) Always do it with a partner that you trust really well, especially if you’re tryna get weird.

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