Chance the Rapper seems to be all that your cool, musically conscious friend can tweet about these days.  He/she is all "'Acid Rap' is some real shit, yo!" Cue eye roll. Except "Acid Rap" is some real shit, and Chance the Rapper is that next big thing.  His mixtape garnered universally positive reviews, including praise from the next Steve Jobs himself (oh, Kanye, what are we going to do with you?), and there are some seriously funky beats to be heard.  Most talked about is lead track "Good Ass Intro," but those searching further into the mixtape will find that "Favorite Song," featuring the totally talented but wholly underappreciated Childish Gambino, is another notable gem.  Trust me when I say this is about to be your jam. Also that last sentence will be funnier when you listen to the song. Okay, now go download it.