My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and everything has always been great in bed. Lately though, he has been hinting that my vagina smells weird, like Caesar salad. I don’t smell anything but he’s getting weirded out. What should I do? Is it normal for my vagina to smell like this? 

Well, ok, let’s just jump right in, shall we? Maybe no one has told your boyfriend this, but VAGINAS HAVE A CERTAIN SMELL. In the year you have been together, he probably should’ve found this out, so let’s assume that something has changed and he’s not just being a dick about a natural smell.

Changes in vaginal smell can sometimes mean something more than the usual fishy situation. If you’ve also been having pain, irritation, or itching, it could be connected to an STI or yeast infection, and you should go talk to a doctor. Miss Cassandra knows a lot about sex, but a medical professional she is not. If you don’t have any other symptoms, it probably isn’t dangerous. Vaginal smell can change for many reasons: the time of the month, change in soap or detergent brands that have then lead to some irritation, or even changes in diet, so do a little in home experimenting. Like stop eating spicy foods or try an unscented soap.

If it persists, whatever you do, do not offset your pH. Many douches (not unlike your boyfriend for making a big deal out of a natural process) as well as perfumes and soaps can throw off your pH balance. There are some natural remedies though. Smell is often caused by bacterial build up, which sounds gross, but this is natural, non-harmful bacteria. Try eating more garlic or taking garlic capsules, yogurt, or tea. Hot salt baths may also help. Either way, your boyfriend should be more understanding. Vagina smell is natural, so if he wants the vagina, he might just have to get over it.


Miss Cassandra, I’m a junior and I’ve been dating an international student for a few months. He has no plans on staying in the states after graduation and I don’t want to move to Eastern Europe. I really like him, but how do I deal with a relationship that’s ultimately doomed?

Slow down, crazy, slow down. Why are you so worried about a graduation date that’s two years away? I applaud you for making it a few months with this guy and still liking him, but graduation is a loooooong way away. Do you know how many college relationships last that long? Few. Very few. Do you know how many things could happen in that time that could break you two kids up? A lot. A whole fucking lot. So calm down, and just enjoy the time you have together. Live in the moment. If you do manage to make it until graduation and are still infatuated with this guy, you’ll figure something out. Or you’ll break up. Deal with it, it’s not the end of the world. For now, be lucky you have a guy. The rest of us will be here waiting.


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